What Can Be Shared On Social Media Or Other Marketing Channels?

You might say that the answer to this is just about anything and really there’s no hard and fast rule other than it needs to work for your business, should tie in with your brand, and is something you believe will be of interest to your audience.

Every month we post here on our blog in relation to dates in the calendar that might be useful when it comes to planning your social media. These posts are always very popular because we know that at some point, even the most experienced marketing or social media professional will sit staring at the screen a little short on inspiration.

In our weekly post this week instead of calendar dates we’re suggesting ten types of content that can be used across just about any sort of marketing channel and are related to your business as opposed to what’s happening in the world around you.

Company news – this may seem obvious but over the years I’ve had many conversations with businesses where something really positive is happening and while everybody on staff knows about it, the outside world where their customers are haven’t heard a thing. I’m not sure whether it’s an Irish thing but far too many don’t celebrate their achievements as publicly as they can. It doesn’t have to be the financials but if it’s worth an internal celebration does it deserve a mention in a newsletter, a share on social media, even a press release?

New recruits – adding to the team is usually a positive and while you absolutely might want to allow for a little bedding down time, let people know you’ve expanded the team. Tell your audience where this new person works, who they will be dealing with, or what their responsibilities are. Share it on social or send out an email, doesn’t have to be the company update even just a relevant segment. Generally though unless your staff turnover is quite high (not for this post!), new team members is positive and tell people you’re investing in ensuring your customers will be looked after.

New suppliers or partners – another positive news story, others wouldn’t be keen to work with you if there wasn’t a good reason to do so? None of us go into any form of partnership easily so if your customers can be told just what the benefit of this development is for them you might be delighted with their response. This is one for point of sale, newsletters, brochures, social media, blog posts – ideally for all parties involved too, ensure you reach the maximum audience.

The team – who exactly manages the accounts department or the sales desk? Who ensures that your orders are despatched each day? Who exactly would your customers meet if they want to make an appointment? Share some of the faces from behind the scenes, allow people the chance to put a face to the voice that’s been on the phone for years or who up to now is simply a Linkedin profile image. You can make it a regular feature if your team size fits or you might simply do an end-of-year round-up but including the people behind the business in social media, newsletters, or on the website is always well received, and remember, you’re playing the long game here.

Tips – this is one that every business from sole trader to multi-national can use. Regardless of the industry you’re working in with experience and time you will be all too familiar with handy tips or shortcuts to get the best from a particular situation or product, bonus if it’s your own product you have tips on too. In a world where we can all share, save, or screencapture very quickly if you have valuable advice give a little away. Don’t share all your secrets, leave people with a reason to pay for your service or product but a handy tip now might result in a sale later. This is one for most social media, for emails and can even become a section on your website.

Events – those you have attended or anything you’ve got coming up. Now more than ever events are more likely to be online but there are always screenshots? Screenshots or marketing materials if provided by the organiser can be shared across social media, websites, newsletters – you just never know who might want to connect. If there’s a hashtag related to the event get into the conversation before, during, and after the event and watch who else is there too. We may have meetings in person in the not too distant future but some events or meetings will always be online, particularly where location is an issue. However, let it be seen what events you’re taking part in, you’re never finished learning or networking so tell people about it.

Celebrations – this is about the people in our business. All of our lives have changed in the past year, for many their work-life may never be quite the same again as homeworking will be a feature for many even on a part-time basis going forward. You might not be in a position to go for a drink in the local pub or bring in a cake for somebody’s birthday when you’re socially distanced, you can however give somebody a shout-out for occasions like big birthdays or a wedding on your social media. It’s all about the human side of the business, even the most challenging or serious industries have people behind them and people buying from them. Just do it sparingly, 1000 employees and a lot of special occasion posts might be a little overwhelming!!

Behind the scenes – a video tour of the factory floor, a planning day for the new website, a training day for the sales team, the updates you’re making as you get ready to re-open, decorating for the festive season, etc. Share a glimpse of what’s happening, whet the appetite a little while showing your customers that you’re investing in your employee’s knowledge or spending time and money on upgrading your facilities for the benefit of customers and staff. This is content for social media, newsletters, and websites.

Industry news – what’s trending right now? Have regulations changed and if so, can you simplify just what your audience needs to know? If you’re a garage owner a very typical post might be new motor tax rates after a budget, won’t lots of us google that, and wouldn’t you like them to find the information on your website or see it on your social? This kind of information can make for great radio content or podcasts also, you might not get yourself a spot with the national broadcaster but there are local stations everywhere too and many of these will have business slots.

Customer feeedback – reviews and testimonials are powerful, learn to ask for them and even better learn to share them where it matters i.e. anywhere you can!!

We’ve covered ten ideas for content, many of these are suited for use in multiple marketing channels if you’re clever in how you create the content i.e. blog posts can become videos, podcasts, industry news, social media, newsletters., etc. Your content should work for the channel you’re sharing it on. If the blog post we just mentioned was quite technical it might be a particular highlight on a graphic with a link to the article for your social media, make it appropriate for the platform. Re-purposing what you’ve already created by using content built on company time is one way to use your marketing resource effectively.

If you’d like to learn more about Marketing, Creating Content, Social Media, Newsletters or just a simple no-nonsense, jargon-free approach to making an impact, pop an email to debbie@themarketingshop.ie, schedule a call at this link or get in touch with us through any of our social media channels, listed at the bottom of this page. Alternatively, if you’d like to arrange a complimentary consultation by zoom to find out how we can help your business, this form tells us what we need to know before we schedule a discovery chat.