Social Media Content Ideas For April

content ideas for april

April already and brighter days, longer evenings, time out from work and school, and, as with all months, plans to make for the month ahead. As always we’ve got a selection of dates that might be useful for themes to use in your social media during the month ahead but first some general themes that work for more than just one date during the month of April;

  • Spring Cleaning – whether you’re working in social media and have advice for de-cluttering your various platforms, you’re a VA with great tips on reaching an inbox zero, a gardener with great tips for taking control of your outdoors, a beautician who can tell you what to ditch when it comes to your make-up bag, an IT company who can help you tidy up that desktop, or indeed a cleaning company who can help you clear up and de-clutter in your home, there’s an angle for just about everybody with this one.
  • Easter – there may be a long weekend but it’s ok to talk about easter anytime in the run-up, share your easter-egg-themed recipes, raffle one for charity, have a fun easter bonnet competition or highlight what’s happening at your venue over the easter break – and don’t forget to update on revised opening hours no matter what industry you’re in.
  • Awareness months – while there are specific dates that are designated to various causes and campaigns, in many cases there are specific months and you can incorporate some of these into your marketing for April across more than just your social media where it’s appropriate. During the month of April 2023, some of the awareness themes include Stress Awareness, Autism Acceptance, Jazz Appreciation, Gardens, Parkinsons’ Disease Awareness, and Decorating. Do a search on any of these for inspiration if it’s something that might be suited to your business.

And now on to the individual awareness days, for April there’s lots to work with including;

1st April – April Fools; with different time zones for customers, this can go for a lot longer than the 12 noon cut-off we tend to think of. Be careful though, some April Fools don’t end up as planned in business (like these!).

1st April – International Pillow Fight Day; apparently this got its inspiration from the movie Fight Club, thankfully making its way to a more fun way of fighting with pillows. Furniture retailers, homewares stores, or an entertainment venue could have a bit of fun with this, makes for a fun social media campaign too.

2nd April – World Autism Awareness Day; a UN-designated awareness day, the theme this year is ‘Inclusive Quality Education For All2 In recent years businesses in many sectors have come a long way when it comes to creating the right environment for customers that need a little less stress during a visit, for example, I see it in local stores who don’t have their usual music and slightly dimmed lighting at a dedicated time. Everything we can all do makes a difference, even if it’s simply making a donation or encouraging customers to make a difference. Find out more at or

2nd April – International Fact-Checking Day; one that’s worth a mention in an era where Chat GPT and other AI apps are making their presence known, fact-checking is probably more important than it has ever been because amazing as these apps are sometimes you’ll find interesting results that aren’t remotely true.

3rd April – School Holidays; not strictly an awareness day but worth highlighting it’s the first day of Easter school holidays here in Ireland, if your business is for families it’s worth being aware of it.

4th April – International Carrot Day; with roots dating back to Asia apparently, the humble carrot is a staple of all of our diets. A simple one to implement into a dish for those in hospitality, and easy special for a coffee shop or restaurant with carrot cake a special on the day.

6th April – World Table Tennis Day; not one for everybody but you have an avid player on the team or you’re a sporting venue, it’s a simple game that everybody can have a go at so you can work easily with it on social too.

6th April – International Fun At Work Day; it’s always a good idea to share a little behind-the-scenes activity so why not use this to highlight a little of the fun you have at work? It makes for great social media content, especially at a time when many are winding down toward a long weekend.

6th April – The Marketing Shop’s Canva Training; again, not an awareness day but we’re going to mention it just to ensure you don’t miss out on the opportunity to really get to grips with Canva. Find all the details here.

7th April – Good Friday; for many, this is a day off work, it might be a day they’re travelling away for the bank holiday weekend or it might simply be work as usual. In general, though, days like this tend not to have everybody’s full attention when it comes to business so it’s a good day for light-hearted content such as competitions or memes that are in line with the easter theme. And yes, for many it’s a religious occasion but usually, we’d advise businesses to keep religion and politics away from social media unless they are actually your business.

7th April – No Housework Day; we think this is a US idea but are quite happy to recommend a day off (within reason) in the home too because time out is good for us all. If your business was in the hygiene sector or your audience is families, this might be a handy topic to work with on this day too.

7th April – World Health Day; an important one, this year it celebrates its 75th year as an observance day designated by the World Health Organisation and you can learn more about this on the WHO website at and the # is #HealthForAll. There are lots of ways you can work with this even where your niche isn’t the more obvious areas around nutrition, health, fitness, or lifestyle.

9th April – Easter Sunday; easy to work with for just about any business, most of us after all do enjoy this chocolate-fest. For those in any way working with food, a simple recipe that incorporates easter eggs (like this easter egg hot chocolate!) or chocolate easter egg desserts are always an idea. If you’re in hospitality or tourism the day is already marked as a busy time and simple treats like easter eggs for children can go a long way. You can also run an easter giveaway with prizes that tie in with your business, keep it light and relevant but show a human side to what happens behind the scenes too.

10th April – Easter Bank Holiday Monday; with most people off keep your social media light-hearted on this day and if you’re open for business, ensure people are aware of it by posting on the day or days in advance to make sure people know to stop by.

12th April – Deskfast Day; not quite sure about this one and it may be for certain markets or just for social media but it’s not a bad idea. We’ve always been told breakfast is an important meal every day, however, we’ve all had a day when we overslept or, we’re not overly keen on eating first thing (usually a couple of hours at least for me). You might create a ‘Deskfast’ coffee morning, or invite people to share their ‘deskfast’ on your social media and include #deskfastday.

15th April – International Microvolunteering Day; you might use this in several ways, as a company you might give something back. Or you might arrange that your team members get time out to work on a personal project that gives something back. You don’t have to do it all on the 15th, your business still has to run after all. But, if you decide to do something you might announce it on this day and then follow up on your blog/website/social media as the events take place giving you content for several occasions. Look for ideas at #MicrovolunteeringDay or #InternationalMicrovolunteering

15th April – Record Store Day; those of us who might appreciate this post are probably of a certain age range but I thought I’d mention it because even if you can’t include it on your social media, I quite enjoy a trip to a local record store as downloads are great but you really can’t beat vinyl or even a CD for yourself or as a gift. And it’s in the spirit of supporting local businesses too. If it works for your brand you might even decide to share your purchases using #RecordStoreDay

18th April – World Heritage Day; an ideal day to highlight in your marketing if you’re trading in this sector or are connected with travel or tourism in any way. Or you might simply decide to support a location close to you as an enjoyable day out with family or friends. Find inspiration at or follow #WorldHeritageDay

19th April – Get To Know Your Customers Day; while this is more likely a US theme, we’re including it as it’s a nice idea for businesses across the world to find out a little more about their customers. Use a poll (a great feature unless you overuse it), ask questions in your social media stories, or just ask people to comment on a post and give their opinion – you might be pleasantly surprised or inspired by the response.

21st April – World Creativity And Innovation Day; we love this idea and a day to celebrate it specifically too. It’s one that you can use in all sorts of businesses, it’s all about thinking creatively in how you use it and if you’re smart you can announce or even tease a new innovation on this day. Find ideas and inspiration at or #CreativityDay

22nd April – World Earth Day; an important one for all of us and a day that can be marked in all sorts of ways, particularly in certain sectors when environmental awareness is an important part of your work. This year’s theme is ‘Invest In Our Plant’ and you can learn more on the official site at or #EarthDay #WorldEarthDay

23rd April – World Book Night; digital is amazing but for many of us, you can’t beat a real book. If books are important to you, your brand, or your business you can share what you’re reading, invite others to share what they’re currently enjoying, make some professional recommendations, or simply run a giveaway that’s relevant to your business. You’ll find ideas and quite probably a few new titles to add to your reading list at or #WorldBookNight

26th April – Administrative Professionals Day; one of the most important elements of any business, why not give your admin team a shout-out on the day? Or your virtual admins if that’s how you work.

27th April – Tell A Story Day; this is one of those days that’s probably more about social media than any offline occasion but it’s a good one to incorporate into your social media because who after all doesn’t have a story? If you haven’t ever shared your story, maybe do it today or spend time looking at how you might share some time soon? Follow it on #TellAStoryDay

28th April – Global Pay It Forward Day; this might be for your personal life as much as your business, you may or may not wish to share the details but if you decide to do something and feel it’s worth sharing today is a good day to do this. #GlobalPayItForwardDay or will give you a few ideas.

28th April – Superhero Day; one more theme that’s quite nice and something that can be adapted to suit your business. Not every superhero appears on the big screen, could you recognise those superheroes within your community?

28th April – Friday Of A Bank Holiday Weekend; yes another bank holiday! Don’t forget to update opening hours as it’s not a holiday weekend in every market but 1st May is a bank holiday for those of us here in Ireland.

29th April – World Veterinary Day; for those working in and around the animal space there are lots of themes you can work with and if you’re organised ahead of time you might even run a campaign over the week coming up to so that you can take advantage of a theme that’s relevant to so many of us.

So, that’s a bumper list of awareness days during April 2023 with something that will work for just about every industry so you don’t have to struggle for inspiration in your social media.

If you’re in need of support in your Marketing, Strategy, Social Media or WordPress, find out more on the services we offer here.

And, if you’re reading this before 5th April, there’s still time to sign up for our Canva Training For Business programme which kicks off via Zoom on 6th April and will take you from beginner/improver right through to creating content with confidence. Full details are available here.

And as always, if you’ve got queries on anything pop an email to

Have a great month!

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