When you work within the marketing industry, ongoing training and upskilling are essential parts of the job. With 25+ years of experience in marketing and sales, I’m still learning all the time and enjoy that lifelong learning will always be part of my world.
Back in 2021, I undertook the Facebook Blueprint Certified Community Manager exam, in this time the company evolved and is now known as META. And, just as the company changed, so too has the world of community management so I’ve just updated my certification and am now officially a META Certified Community Manager – as the accreditation is now known.
I’ve previously written about how a community manager can help your organisation, discover what we covered in What Does A Community Manager Do For Your Business?
As you move into 2023, if your brand needs a boost for its online presence feel free to get in touch with debbie@themarketingshop.ie to learn how we can help you across any of the META platforms – Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp.
And of course, we can work with you on other social media platforms and strategies, you might also be interested in our social media coaching programme ‘Get Savvy On Social’ which is designed to ensure that you’re focused on what’s right for your business right now working 1:1 at a pace that’s right for you.
Debbie Ringwood is a Marketing Specialist with over 20 years of experience in B2B and B2C Marketing. She is a Graduate of the Marketing Institute of Ireland and the Digital Marketing Institute. She is a Canva Community Canvassador, Linkedin Certified Marketing Insider and META Certified Community Manager..
Debbie supports, coaches, and trains businesses in Marketing, Social Media, Canva & WordPress along with her team, working with businesses at different stages of their journey.