Background Remover App – Canva Tips

Within Canva, we have had the option to remove a background from a photo (or a video) for quite some time, as shared in one of my previous videos which you can view here. More recently though, other options have become available such as the 'Replace Background' app...

Social Media Content Ideas For February

It's time for the first bank holiday weekend of the year already, if you're in Ireland that is... We always share a post on our blog with themes that might be useful during the coming month on our blog and this February is no exception, starting first of all with a...

Training & Events In 2025

Throughout the year we work with a range of different suppliers to provide training in areas such as Canva, Social Media, Marketing, Email, and more. In many cases, these are privately contracted but where there is an option for members of the business community join,...
Thoughts From Ten Years Of The Marketing Shop

Thoughts From Ten Years Of The Marketing Shop

We marked a milestone here at The Marketing Shop this week, 18th April marked exactly 10 years since we first started to trade. It's been an amazing experience, once of the best decisions I've ever made and in that time we've worked with and met with so many different...

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Business Women Can On International Women’s Day

Business Women Can On International Women’s Day

On International Women's Day an event with a difference took place at RTE Studios in Donnybrook.  Ulster Bank's Small Business Can's initiative "Business Women Can" were treated to a women's day to remember. To start with we took in a tour of the TV studios where...

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