Design Essentials: Mastering Visuals with Canva – Training Online

Our Canvassador, Debbie Ringwood, has crafted the ultimate Canva course for anyone starting their Canva design journey or looking to elevate their skills with Design Essentials: Mastering Visuals with Canva —our online guide to using Canva effortlessly. This course...

Social Media Content Ideas For January

The new year is here and it’s time to start thinking about your social media content for now and indeed, the year ahead. Whether you're a small business owner, self-employed, or even working in the areas of marketing or social media, you'll find inspiration in our...

Christmas, New Year & What’s Ahead For 2025 At The Marketing Shop

As we wrap up 2024, I want to take a moment to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year! This year has certainly had its challenges, (particularly in the realm of health for me!), but as we look ahead to 2025, I’m looking forward, back to business...
Trading Online Vouchers – What You Need To Know

Trading Online Vouchers – What You Need To Know

Ireland's Local Enterprise Offices have run a scheme known as Trading Online Vouchers for quite some time now and in the current climate, the scheme has been been in big demand as businesses look to increase their activity online with a view to getting Ireland's...

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Digital media lessons to take from Duran Duran

Digital media lessons to take from Duran Duran

Yes, you did read that correctly, I did in fact say Duran Duran! For those of us (particularly the ladies) of a certain age, Duran Duran were the ultimate in 1980s music, the poster boys of the early days of MTV who it appeared were really living the dream. Some may...

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EU Cookie Law

EU Cookie Law

Some of the visitors to our website may be aware of an update to the laws surrounding your privacy on the internet and the fact that in order for a website to function software otherwise known as "cookies" are employed to assist in areas such as remembering your...

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