Background Remover App – Canva Tips

Within Canva, we have had the option to remove a background from a photo (or a video) for quite some time, as shared in one of my previous videos which you can view here. More recently though, other options have become available such as the 'Replace Background' app...

Social Media Content Ideas For February

It's time for the first bank holiday weekend of the year already, if you're in Ireland that is... We always share a post on our blog with themes that might be useful during the coming month on our blog and this February is no exception, starting first of all with a...

Training & Events In 2025

Throughout the year we work with a range of different suppliers to provide training in areas such as Canva, Social Media, Marketing, Email, and more. In many cases, these are privately contracted but where there is an option for members of the business community join,...
Canva Training For Beginners – Introduction To Canva

Canva Training For Beginners – Introduction To Canva

Well, we're back to business and it looks like 2024 is going to be very busy!A lot is happening this month and I know everybody is really busy these first few days so I just wanted to mention an upcoming course that may come in useful for your business.I'm a Canva...

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Canva Tip – Magic Expand

Canva Tip – Magic Expand

Ever found yourself with the perfect photo that's just not the right dimensions to suit where you plan to use it? 'Magic Expand' might be just what you need, one of many AI features within Canva, you can adjust your photos so that you don't have to find an...

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Canva Quick Create – Canva Tips By The Marketing Shop

Canva Quick Create – Canva Tips By The Marketing Shop

If you're just getting started on Canva, this Canva tip is perfect for you. When you're creating content for multiple social media channels, ideally you will be creating the content in different sizes as each social media platform has it's optimal dimensions. On Canva...

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Canva Magic Eraser – Our Latest Canva Tip

Canva Magic Eraser – Our Latest Canva Tip

Quite often when we've got a photo that's just right for social media, our website, an email newsletter, or some of our offline marketing activity, there's a minor detail we'd ideally not include. Whilst the option to remove unwanted items has been available on more...

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Canva Training – April / May 2023

Canva Training – April / May 2023

We've got an amazing Canva Training programme coming up this April but we're making a change... We have received some feedback from potential attendees that the holiday period has made it difficult for them to attend the course. We understand that this is an important...

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Canva Create, New Features To Launch A Brand New Era

Canva Create, New Features To Launch A Brand New Era

Canva is one of the most amazing tools businesses of all sizes can use in their business, whether you're a sole trader, start-up, small business owner right through to brands like Zoom who got a mention at Canva Create this week, there's a solution for you. Artificial...

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Canva Tip Thursday – Create A QR Code

Canva Tip Thursday – Create A QR Code

If you've ever wondered how to create a QR Code for use in your marketing, this week's Canva Tip is for you. It's something that comes up frequently when I'm training on Canva, our video shows how you can create one and brand it if you choose in less than a minute!...

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